
Myofascial Release 

Myofascial release (MFR) employs treating the fascia of the body, which virtually envelops and connects every living cell in a person. When the fascia is tight and bound down, not only can it affect the optimal functioning of the organ or tissue, but it also causes the retention of waste byproducts, contributing to inflammation. It also can restrict the range of motion and cause structural friction that may, over time, lead to heat, inflammatory reactions, and pain. Thus, MFR is being used to treat a wide spectrum of musculoskeletal syndromes, such as pain in the back, neck, leg, and upper extremities.

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acupuncture near me


Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese art of healing that uses the insertion of very fine disposable needles to acupuncture points where qi coalesces and thus can be released, supplemented, or regulated. A correct Chinese medicine diagnosis and subsequent corresponding manipulation of the qi results in a more balanced state and improved circulation of qi and blood. The breaking down of qi stagnation leads to pain relief and improved functioning of the organs and tissues.

Dry Needling

Dry needling is a modern Western medicine procedure performed by a physical therapist who has undergone specific post-graduate training and certification. It involves inserting a fine, sterile needle into a muscle in order to release myofascial trigger points. Trigger points are taut bands in a muscle that are tender and can refer pain to other parts of the body. Dry needling is effective in reducing acute and chronic muscular pain and muscle tension, improving one's range of motion, and speeding up recovery.

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craniosacral therapy near me

Craniosacral Therapy

Craniosacral is a gentle manual form of therapy that promotes self-healing of the whole body through light touch and through the release of energetic and emotional blockages. This approach engenders health and wellness with the restoration of a more healthy craniosacral rhythm that should be unimpeded throughout the whole body.

Physical therapy

Physical therapy is a healthcare profession focused on improving movement and function in individuals of all ages. It involves the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of musculoskeletal and neurological conditions, injuries, or illnesses. Through a variety of techniques such as exercise, manual therapy, and patient education, physical therapists aim to alleviate pain, restore mobility, and enhance overall quality of life. They develop personalized treatment plans tailored to each individual's specific needs, goals, and abilities. Physical therapy plays a crucial role in rehabilitation, injury prevention, and management of chronic conditions, helping patients to regain independence and achieve optimal physical health.

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Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapy is a healthcare profession focused on helping people of all ages participate in meaningful activities or occupations. Occupational therapists evaluate an individual's physical, cognitive, and emotional abilities, as well as environmental factors, to develop customized intervention plans. These plans may include exercises, adaptive techniques, assistive devices, and environmental modifications to improve independence and quality of life. Occupational therapy addresses a wide range of conditions, from developmental delays and disabilities to injuries and mental health challenges. Its goal is to enable individuals to perform daily activities, such as self-care, work, and leisure, promoting health, well-being, and social participation.

Cupping Therapy

Cupping therapy, rooted in traditional Chinese medicine, involves placing cups on the skin to create suction. This suction is believed to improve blood flow, alleviate muscle tension, and promote healing. Cups, made of glass, silicone, or bamboo, may be stationary or moved across the skin. Commonly used for pain relief and relaxation, cupping is popular among athletes and those seeking alternative therapies. While its effectiveness is debated, individuals should consult healthcare professionals regarding its safety and efficacy.

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craniosacral therapy near me

Personal Training

Personal training is a fitness service tailored to individual needs, goals, and abilities. Working one-on-one with a certified trainer, clients receive personalized exercise programs, nutritional guidance, and motivational support. Trainers assess fitness levels, design workouts, and provide feedback to optimize results and prevent injury. Whether aiming for weight loss, muscle gain, or overall fitness improvement, personal training offers accountability and expertise. Sessions can be conducted in gyms, studios, or even remotely, catering to diverse schedules and preferences. With a focus on individualized attention, personal training helps clients achieve their fitness aspirations efficiently and effectively.

An old man is standing in his office with back pain

What We Treat

Neck, midback, and low back pain.

Sciatica, cervical radiculopathy, and peripheral neuropathy.

Headaches and migraines.

Osteoarthritic or traumatic joint pain in the shoulders.

Scoliosis and kyphosis.

Sacrio-iliac dysfunctions and symptoms.

Abdominal and pelvic pain.

Foot and knee joint derangement, including patellar maltracking.

Balance problems and gait dysfunctions

Carpal and tarsal tunnel syndrome.

Acid reflux, GERD, abdominal bloating.

Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS).

Vertigo and dizziness.

Post COVID symptoms, Long COVID.

Palpitations and anxiety.

Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBS)

Anterior compartment syndrome.

IL Location

(847) 226-8358 (VIP) CAN TEL U

(262) 219-3967 (alternative number)

(262) 292 1221

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